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Please tell us about your reporting capabilities.

Cayuse offers multiple levels of reporting built directly in Cayuse Research Suite. From pre-built high-level reports for end users, technical reports for your IT team or data driven analytics for your management team, WVU has full access to your data to make decisions based on information, not guesswork. Additionally, WVU can push data to an existing data warehouse to blend that data with other institutional data or push that data back to an ERP system.

Can you get success rates for proposals (by sponsor, dollar amount, department, etc.)?


  1. Can you keep track of the primary sponsor (instead of just the lead organization)?


  2. How about reporting based on co-PI?


  3. Can the system track cost share commitments and/or effort of PIs?


How do you handle those non-competing renewals with NIH as to not look like duplicate submissions, but also preserve competitiveness of the original award?

This is common practice with our current customers. A unique data record can be created and linked to the overall project record preserving the original award while capturing relevant data about the renewal, including statuses about related compliance components.

Please share a report from an R1 customer that indicates the number of successful proposals submitted via S2S - you can hide the name of the institution.

Cayuse is committed to our client’s security and of their data. While we are not able to provide a complete sample of a report, we have provided some additional information to support the requested information.

Of the 26 R1 Cayuse Proposal Institutions, Cayuse serves, please find below a randomized number of proposals submitted in 2021 from 5 R1 Intuitions.

  • RI Institution 1: 1,084
  • RI Institution 2: 1,024
  • R1 Institution 3: 688
  • R1 Institution 4: 1,171
  • R1 Institution 5: 781

Regarding recording “failed proposals” within the past year, we have less than 1 per customer. We support all federal proposals, except those submitted by individuals. Cayuse continues to have 100% forms coverage for all 30+ federal agencies: a 99.9% first time error free submission rate, and 1500+ real-time error validations.

Will researchers be able to submit tasks/requests from Outlook? Can email threads/replies automatically be attached to the request?

Yes, tasks and requests originate within the Research Suite and a configurable email can be sent to the users Outlook account. This email contains a hyperlink to the task or request so updates can be made. This is intentional so tasks can be closed, updated information is added to the shared workspace, and/or attachments can be added to the overall project record.

Do you have a way to initiate the MTA, NDA, Subaward agreements in the system?


Can the system provide a current and pending information based on what is in the system?


What format of current and pending do you generate? Ex. - NSF

The flexibility of the Smart Forms within our Cayuse Sponsored Projects application, all data needed for a current and pending report for any agency can be captured, tracked, and extracted for reporting. This allows WVU to adapt to the ever-changing regulations from the agencies with regards to C&P reports. Currently, we do not have agency specific formats for export; however, this is on our roadmap. In the meantime, all data is available for extraction to be used to populate this report to improve efficiencies and reduce administrative burden.

Is there a place to house documentation on payment for reconciliation?


Comments were made about the S2S and, Fastlane being phased out and potentially not supported in the products. WVU has heard differently, and we would like clarification

Cayuse continues to have 100% forms coverage for all 30+ federal agencies; a 99.9% first time error free submission rate, and 1500+ real-time error validations. This includes NSF packages that are sometimes submitted to FastLane and/or If a forms package exists, a proposal can be developed and submitted via Cayuse S2S Proposals. In some cases, NSF has supplemental forms that they have not made available in and after submission the submitting entity still may need to login to

Additionally, has made a change to their training (non-production) services that other vendors and homegrown S2S solutions may not be able to support. Proposals S2S has had no disruption in our use of the non-production change

Cayuse is an active member of the FDP and has close relationships with all Federal agencies. These Federal agencies - including NIH, NSF, DoD, and the US Department of Education - continue to collaborate with Cayuse and communicate effectively to ensure that we are able to support their submissions moving forward. There has been no indication of a change in this relationship, and we have no plans to discontinue our support of all Federal agencies.

How long does it take for the development environment to be created and ready to go?

As soon as the WVU and Cayuse teams kick off the Implementation project we spin up a User Acceptance Training (UAT) environment allowing the teams to configure, train, and test

Additionally, our successful implementation approach has been developed by years of tested and proven success and experience with more than 600 customers. We will partner with WVU to fully understand your business goals and develop an implementation schedule and timeline. Over the last 3 years we have completed over 900 implementations and our dedication to serving customers as they strive toward achieving strategic goals and initiatives has resulted in market leadership for the electronic research administration industry. ListEd Tech reported Cayuse as the market leader in several categories in 2020 and 2021 for this space. The following is market leadership across implementation and overall vendor selection.

Can you provide an overview of the maturity of all the modules you have proposed for WVU?

A chart depicting Cayuse active implementations compared to competing products.
Fig. 1: Chart showing the number of active implementations of the Cayuse product compared to other vendors. 

Cayuse became the first commercial vendor to successfully communicate System-to-System with through our flagship Cayuse Proposals S2S solution which was developed through an SBIR grant in collaboration with the US Federal Government. Cayuse is proud to be the industry leader in our investment in research and development for eRA systems; we proudly dedicate over 50% of our annual revenue to product development and innovation.

The Cayuse business model is to either build and develop new software if it doesn’t already exist, or partner/acquire existing best of class software to round out our Research Suite. This is how Cayuse has accomplished becoming the industry’s first end-to-end research suite solution.

  • Cayuse Proposals S2S: 28 years
  • Cayuse Sponsored Projects: 15+ years
  • Cayuse Fund Manager and Cayuse Effort Reporting: 25+ years
  • Cayuse Resource Management: Animal Oversight (IACUC) and Vivarium Operations: 25+ years
  • Cayuse Risk Management: Outside Interests (COI) and Human Ethics (IRB): 5+ years

When will the agreement Module be released or when was it released, any planned enhancements and when?

Currently WVU can track and manage any agreement type within our system. Additional enhancements to Cayuse Agreements are slated for release in the second half of 2022, in collaboration with our Customer Advisory Board and industry experts.

What enhancements are planned for COI and when?

Cayuse understands that Conflicts of Interest relate to multiple aspects of the research lifecycle. As such, we are continuing to develop integration points between how Conflicts of Interest might relate to Human Ethics (IRB), Animal Oversight (IACUC) and even Inventions (Tech Transfer). This cross-app communication and data sharing is particularly important for researchers who want the ability to disclose a conflict only once, and have that conflict be shared with all interested parties to ensure the reduction of duplicate data entry. We are also currently working on enhancements to the smart forms, to continue to ensure that researchers have an efficient, expedited way to disclose and manage their conflicts. Finally, Cayuse is always looking to enhance the ability for institutions to report on disclosed activities, so additional enhancements to reporting of Conflicts of Interest is also on our roadmap.

For additional Research Administrative capabilities and updates to COI, we would be happy to provide a confidential roadmap to WVU.